Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej w Warszawie • 35.000 m2 • 2007 • praca konkursowa

Projekt powstał w ramach współpracy z architektem Max Dudler

Time and space in the texture of the city is generating material: the building. Out of context arises the city and out of urbanity arises context again.
The European urban culture is something eclectic and does not only consist of mono-functionality, exclusiveness etc. It implies the question of coherence, attitude to life, memories and history. Hence with the design of a new museum its urban presence and distinguished urban spaces are eminently important.
The Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw will be built in the centre of the city, situated within two urban principles. It is positioned where socialistic architecture of the past impacts with the traditional block structure. Despite the predetermined outline which on the one hand emphasizes the street-line and on the other hand creates a square we developed a strong form with a high recognition which can compete with the adjoining buildings, especially with the Palace of Culture and the future Merchant Department Store and a Music Theater – a form which creates a balance between the urban volume of the city and a independent body.
Out of the compact L-shaped volume, a monolith, material is substracted so that the created spaces harmonise with each other. The new meander picks up characteristics of the location and re-defines the area creating spaces of different quality and spatial relation.
Two incisions devide the building in three parts. A punctual volume arises by a set-off, the remaining cube is divided in two different rectangular volumes: The public space is situated between park and square and a urban lane on the other side. At the same time the longish structures refer to the historic city map. The three parts stay connected to emphasize the street and the square and to enable a good internal connection. Precise edges differentiate the volume. Like a sculpture the meander faces the palace of culture.